How to Become an HVAC Technician in Kansas

HVAC technicians are skilled professionals who work with heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems in a variety of types of buildings. HVAC tech responsibilities include installing, maintaining, repairing and inspecting HVAC systems and making sure they run safely and efficiently. In Kansas, you can find work in rural or urban areas, but you will need to know what licensing requirements apply in each local area, as there are no statewide licenses. [Leer en español]

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Requirements for Becoming an HVAC Technician in Kansas

There are two typical pathways for becoming an HVAC technician in Kansas: start with an academic, post-secondary program in HVAC technology or seek an apprenticeship through Kansas Works. Because there are no state requirements or licensing, the choice is up to you. In general, though, employers will want to hire entry-level HVAC workers who have learned in the classroom and on the job. It is also important to determine any licensing requirements in individual cities or counties in which you may seek employment.

HVAC program topics may include:

  • Energy control technologies
  • Control systems
  • Digital direct controls
  • Refrigeration mechanics
  • Sheet metal techniques
  • Commercial HVAC applications

HVAC Education in Kansas

There are several post-secondary HVAC courses in Kansas. HVAC programs are accredited by the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) and HVAC Excellence. An accredited school is a good option, but not the only one. There are other great HVAC programs, and there are apprenticeships throughout the state.

HVAC schools in Kansas include:

  • Johnson County Community College, Overland Park. This is the only accredited program in the state and is approved by PAHRA. The location is good for any students in the Kansas City area. You can choose between a certificate and a degree and expect to learn in the classroom and through an internship for hands-on training.
  • Wichita Technical Institute, Wichita and Topeka. Wichita’s HVAC program also includes refrigerant training, a useful skill that expands employment opportunities. The program also prepares students to pass the exam for national refrigerant certification.
  • Metropolitan Community College, Kansas City. The heating and refrigeration technology program here offers students the chance to earn an associate’s degree in HVAC or a certificate in HVAC, HVAC advanced or energy efficiency. Students learn in a hands-on environment and are prepared to get refrigerant certification.
  • Apprenticeships. An apprenticeship can also provide all the HVAC training and education you need to become a heating and refrigeration technician. Kansas Works is a registered apprenticeship program to which people can apply to be matched to an appropriate professional for paid training.

Certification and Licensing for Becoming an HVAC Technician in Kansas

There are no statewide licenses for HVAC workers in Kansas, but many municipalities and counties license techs and contractors. Some only license contractors, while others license trade workers like journeyman HVAC technicians.

Sedgwick County and Wichita requires licensing for both. Journeyman and master technicians must show training and work experience to get licensed. Contractors must demonstrate either being or hiring a master HVAC worker on the payroll. Other areas of the state, including Johnson County and Overland Park, only license contractors.

Workers in HVAC who will handle refrigerants need to get EPA Certification under federal law. No matter where you work, you need this certification if refrigerants will be part of the job. Certification requires passing an exam, and most training programs will make sure you are prepared for the test.

Please see the Environmental Protection Agency Section 608 certification page for more information.

Career Outlook and Salary Expectations

The salary data for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers (49-9021.00) in Kansas, as compared to the national average, highlights the competitive wages for this occupation within the state. In Kansas, these professionals earn an average annual salary of $49,020, which is slightly below the national average of $51,390. The salary range in Kansas extends from $34,240 at the 10th percentile to $80,630 at the 90th percentile, indicating a broad range of earning potential based on experience, specialization, and other factors.

National vs. Kansas Salaries for HVAC Technicians

Location Annual Low (10%) Annual Median Annual High (90%)
United States $36,170 $51,390 $82,630
Kansas $34,240 $49,020 $80,630

Salaries by Region in Kansas for HVAC Technicians

Region Annual Low (10%) Annual Median Annual High (90%)
Kansas City, MO-KS $36,190 $59,580 $98,150
Kansas nonmetropolitan area $29,500 $44,390 $61,440
Lawrence, KS $34,660 $48,630 $64,180
Manhattan, KS $34,420 $53,580 $81,320
St. Joseph, MO-KS $34,960 $51,810 $94,900
Topeka, KS $35,550 $58,950 $77,710
Wichita, KS $33,140 $49,340 $78,170

HVAC Trends in Kansas

In Kansas, the employment outlook for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers (49-9021.00) shows a modest growth, with a projected increase of 2% from 2020 to 2030. The number of employees in this occupation is expected to rise from 4,200 in 2020 to 4,300 by 2030. Annually, there are projected to be 410 job openings in Kansas for this occupation during this period, which includes openings due to both industry growth and replacements. This growth rate is slightly below the national average growth rate of 6% for the same period, indicating a steady demand for HVAC technicians within the state.

Employement Trends

Aspect Kansas United States
Employment (2020 for KS, 2022 for US) 4,200 employees 415,800 employees
Projected Employment (2030 for KS, 2032 for US) 4,300 employees 438,800 employees
Projected Growth 2% 6%
Projected Annual Job Openings (2020-2030 for KS, 2022-2032 for US) 410 37,700

Sources of data:

  • For employment trends and projections: Projections Central’s 2020-2030 long-term projections.
  • For national employment and wage data: The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) 2022-2032 employment projections.

Working as an HVAC Technician in Kansas

Most HVAC technicians find employment with contracting companies. They are needed to work in new construction, installing new commercial and residential air conditioning systems, and to make upgrades and repairs and to do maintenance work on existing systems. HVAC workers may do their jobs in residential settings only or in commercial or industrial buildings.

In Kansas, you can expect to have a bright future in HVAC. The most job opportunities will be in and around Wichita, Overland Park and Kansas City, Olathe and Topeka. However, there are also jobs available in smaller cities and rural areas. With a few years of learning and training, you’ll be ready to land a great HVAC job anywhere in the state.

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How to Become an HVAC Technician in Kansas

  • 1. Meet the municipal or county requirements for HVAC workers in your area
  • 2. Boost your chances of getting hired by: a) Registering as an apprentice with the Kansas Works program, or b) Completing a post-high school course of HVAC-related study

Is HVAC a good course?

  • It can be a good course, but it really depends on what you want to do with it. If you're looking to become an HVAC technician, then the answer is definitely yes. But if you're thinking about becoming an HVAC engineer, then the answer is not as clear-cut.
  • HVAC technicians are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in both residential and commercial buildings. They typically have a certificate or associate's degree in HVAC from a trade school.
  • HVAC engineers are responsible for designing and overseeing the installation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in both residential and commercial buildings.

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